

ExcelでSQLを使う-020: ソース公開-04 DBWriter関数(Excel←→Access)









 今回のソース公開をキッカケに誕生したのが DBWriter関数。そもそもが、さほどの必要性を感じていませんでした。その理由は、DBSelect関数の結果をそのまんまシートに表示するなんてことはありえないーが、私の考え。でも、もしかしたら、エクセルのデータをAccessにエクスポートして、何らかの加工を施してからエクセルにインポートする向きもあるかも知れません。そういう例外的なケースでは、 DBWriter関数は重宝するかも知れません。



 私が想定していた DBSelect関数の利用は、次のようです。




3;鈴木 三郎;すずき さぶろう;0111132;東京都;世田谷区;XX町





? CutStr("3;鈴木 三郎;すずき さぶろう;0111132;東京都;世田谷区;XX町", ";", 1)


? CutStr("3;鈴木 三郎;すずき さぶろう;0111132;東京都;世田谷区;XX町", ";", 2)

鈴木 三郎








Sub Accessの顧客台帳を表示する()
  Dim strSQL As String
  Dim strDB As String
  strSQL = "SELECT * FROM 顧客台帳"
  strDB = "D:\Db1.mdb"
  Call DBWriter(strSQL, strDB, "New")
End Sub








Public Function DBWriter(ByVal strSQL As String, _
             ByVal strDB As String, _
             ByVal strSheetName As String) As Boolean
On Error GoTo Err_DBMWriter
  Dim isOK  As Boolean
  Dim strList As String

  strList = DBSelect(strSQL, strDB, , "|", True, True)
  isOK = SheetWriter(strList, strSheetName)
  DBMWriter = isOK
  Exit Function
  isOK = False
  MsgBox "シート書き込み時にエラーが発生しました。(DBWriter)" & Chr(13)
  Resume Exit_DBMWriter
End Function






Public Const T__3FORMAT = "#,##0;-#,##0"
Public Const T__5FORMAT = "#,##0;-#,##0"
Public Const T__6FORMAT = "\#,##0;-\#,##"
Public Const T7_1FORMAT = "mm/dd"
Public Const T7_2FORMAT = "h:mm"
Public Const T202FORMAT = "@"
Public Const INTERIA_COLOR_0 = 15457460
Public Const INTERIA_COLOR_1 = 16115390
Public Const INTERIA_COLOR_2 = 16773320
Public Const FONT_NAME_0 = "MS P明朝"
Public Const FONT_SIZE_0 = 11
Public Const FONT_NAME_1 = "MS ゴシック"
Public Const FONT_SIZE_1 = 11


Public Function SheetWriter(ByVal strDataList As String, _
             ByVal strSheetName As String) As Boolean
On Error GoTo Err_SheetWriter
  Dim isOK       As Boolean
  Dim isNew       As Boolean
  Dim isAdd      As Boolean
  Dim H         As Integer
  Dim I        As Integer
  Dim J          As Integer
  Dim K         As Integer
  Dim M        As Integer ' 行最大値
  Dim R         As Integer ' 行配列最大値
  Dim C         As Integer ' 列数
  Dim WR        As Integer
  Dim WC        As Integer
  Dim WE        As Integer
  Dim strDatas()     As String
  Dim strValue     As String
  Dim strWriteName   As String
  Dim strTableName   As String
  Dim strOrigin    As String
  Dim intType()     As Integer
  Dim intSize()    As Integer
  Dim intLine()    As Integer
  Dim intColLength()  As Integer
  Dim intROffset    As Integer
  Dim intCOffset    As Integer

  Dim objWorksheet   As Worksheet

  isOK = True
  Application.ScreenUpdating = False
  ' ***************************************
  ' データを配列変数に取り込む
  ' ***************************************

  strDatas() = Split(strDataList, "|")
  R = UBound(strDatas())
  C = ChrCount(strDatas(0), ";") + 1
  ' ***************************************************************
  ' 各列のType等を格納する intType()等の配列宣言
  ' ***************************************************************

  ReDim intType(C + 1)
  ReDim intSize(C + 1)
  ReDim intLine(C + 1)
  ' *******************************************
  ' 各列の最長バイト数を求める
  ' *******************************************

  intColLength() = GetColLengthMax(strDatas())
  ' ***********************
  ' シートの初期化
  ' ***********************

  isNew = CutStr(UCase(strSheetName), ";", 1) = "NEW"
  If isNew Then
    strWriteName = CutStr(UCase(strSheetName), ";", 2)
    If Len(strWriteName) > 0 Then
      Worksheets.Add.Name = strWriteName
      Worksheets.Add after:=Worksheets(Worksheets.Count)
      strWriteName = Worksheets(Worksheets.Count).Name
    End If
    strWriteName = CutStr(strSheetName, "$", 1)
    strOrigin = CutStr(CutStr(CutStr(strSheetName, "$", 2), ":", 1), ";", 1)
  End If
  ' ====================
  ' SET objWorksheet
  ' ====================

  Set objWorksheet = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(strWriteName)
  ' ************************************************
  ' intRowOffset, intColOffset を求める
  ' ************************************************

  If strOrigin <> "" Then
    intROffset = objWorksheet.Range(strOrigin).Row - 1
    intCOffset = objWorksheet.Range(strOrigin).Column - 1
  End If
  ' *************************************
  ' シートへの書き込みメイン
  ' *************************************

  With objWorksheet
    ' ------------------------------
    ' シートのクリア
    ' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    '    C=列数
    ' WC=書き込み開始列
    ' WE=書き込み終了列
    ' 上書: Call DBWriter(strSQL, "Sheet7$A1;OVER")
    '   : Call DBWriter(strSQL, "Sheet7$A1")
    '   : Call DBWriter(strSQL, "Sheet7$")
    ' 追加: Call DBWriter(strSQL, "Sheet7$A1;Add")
    '   : Call DBWriter(strSQL, "Sheet7$A1:Z100;Add")
    ' 消去: Call DBWriter(strSQL, "Sheet7$A1;Clear")
    '   : Call DBLWriter(strSQL, "New")
    ' M: 既存データの有効行数

    strTableName = CutStr(UCase(strSheetName), ";", 1)
    If Not isNew Then
      Select Case CutStr(UCase(strSheetName), ";", 2)
        Case "OVER"
          isNew = True
        Case "ADD"
          If InStr(1, strTableName, ":") = 0 Then
            ' A1・・・H100 までをチェック

            M = DLookup("SELECT Count(*)" & _
                  " FROM [" & strWriteName & "$" & _
                  strOrigin & ":" & _
                  MoveRange(strOrigin, 7) & "00]")
            ' [シート名$A1:I100]の場合のチェック

            M = DLookup("SELECT Count(*)" & _
                  " FROM [" & strTableName & "]")
          End If
        Case "CLEAR"
          isNew = True: Worksheets(strWriteName).Cells.Clear
        Case Else
          isNew = True
      End Select
    End If
    ' 見出し部(追加以外は、描画)

    If isNew Then
      WR = 1 + intROffset
      WC = 1 + intCOffset
      WE = C + intCOffset
      For I = WC To WE
        K = K + 1
        .Cells(WR, I) = CutStr(strDatas(0), ";", K)
        .Cells(WR, I).HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
        .Cells(WR, I).Interior.Color = INTERIA_COLOR_0
        .Cells(WR, I).Font.Name = FONT_NAME_0
        .Cells(WR, I).Font.Size = FONT_SIZE_0
        .Cells(WR, I).Font.Bold = True
      Next I
    End If
    ' ------------------------------
    ' 各列の Type 値を取得
    ' ------------------------------

    For I = 1 To C
      intType(I) = Val(CutStr(CutStr(strDatas(1), ";", I), ",", 1))
      intSize(I) = Val(CutStr(CutStr(strDatas(1), ";", I), ",", 2))
      intLine(I) = Val(CutStr(CutStr(strDatas(1), ";", I), ",", 3))
    Next I
    ' -----------------------
    ' 列幅の設定
    ' WC: 書き込む列
    ' -----------------------

    K = 0
    For J = 1 To C
      WC = J + intCOffset
      .Columns(WC).ColumnWidth = (intColLength(K) + 3) * 1.13
      K = K + 1
    Next J
    ' ------------------------------------------
    ' 全行、全列をシートに書き込む
    ' ------------------------------------------
    '  (注意) %、分数、指数はサポートしていません!
    '    M: 行の最大値
    ' WR: 書き込み行 規定値は2(見出しがあるため)
    '    : 見出しは、《シートクリア》で出力している
    '    C: 列数
    ' WC: 書き込み位置

    For I = 2 To R
      ' ---------------
      ' 書き込み
      ' ---------------

      For J = 1 To C
        strValue = CutStr(strDatas(I), ";", J)
        ' 書き込み位置の決定

        WR = I + intROffset + M
        WC = J + intCOffset
        ' 共通設定

        .Cells(WR, WC).Font.Name = FONT_NAME_1
        .Cells(WR, WC).Font.Size = FONT_SIZE_1
        ' タイプ別処理

        Select Case intType(J)
          Case 202
            .Cells(WR, WC) = strValue
            .Cells(WR, WC).NumberFormatLocal = T202FORMAT
          Case 3
            .Cells(WR, WC) = strValue
            .Cells(WR, WC).NumberFormatLocal = T__3FORMAT
          Case 5
            .Cells(WR, WC) = strValue
            .Cells(WR, WC).NumberFormatLocal = T__5FORMAT
          Case 6
            .Cells(WR, WC) = strValue
            .Cells(WR, WC).NumberFormatLocal = T__6FORMAT
           Case 7
            .Cells(WR, WC) = strValue
             If InStr(1, strValue, ":") = 0 Then
              .Cells(WR, WC).NumberFormatLocal = T7_1FORMAT
              .Cells(WR, WC).NumberFormatLocal = T7_2FORMAT
            End If
          Case Else
            .Cells(WR, WC) = strValue
            .Cells(WR, WC).NumberFormatLocal = T202FORMAT
        End Select
        ' 1列目=№行は右詰めにする(念のため)

        If J = 1 Then
          .Cells(WR, WC).HorizontalAlignment = xlRight
        End If
      Next J
    Next I
  End With
On Error Resume Next
  Set objWorksheet = Nothing
  Application.ScreenUpdating = True
  SheetWriter = isOK
  Exit Function
  isOK = False
  Resume Exit_SheetWriter
End Function


' =========================================
'  aaa;bbb;ccc の各列の最長バイト数を求める
' =========================================

Public Function GetColLengthMax(ByRef strDatas() As String) As Integer()
  Dim I  As Integer
  Dim J  As Integer
  Dim K  As Integer
  Dim l  As Integer
  Dim N  As Integer
  Dim M  As Integer
  Dim R() As Integer
  N = UBound(strDatas())
  M = ChrCount(strDatas(0), ";") + 1
  ReDim R(M - 1)
  For I = 0 To N
    For J = 1 To M
      K = J - 1
      l = LenH(CutStr(strDatas(I), ";", J))
      If l > R(K) Then
        R(K) = l
      End If
    Next J
  Next I
  GetColLengthMax = R()
End Function

